Always show respect to your instructors, training partners, and fellow human beings. Respect in training means: do not seek to harm fellow students physically or emotionally (i.e., by calling them names or making jokes about hurting them). Respect also means that you must train seriously and hard enough for you and your partner to improve his or her skills, conditioning, and fighting spirit. Not giving your best during training detracts from both you and your partner’s experience.
Maintain good hygiene (i.e., shower and brush your teeth regularly). As you can imagine, it is difficult to concentrate on technique when you find your partner’s smells distracting!
Keep finger and toe nails short and clean to prevent injury to yourself and others.
Bring a clean, dry Gi to each class.
Keep shoes off the mat, so that we can keep the mats clean and sanitary.
Do not shout loudly or use profanity in the dojo. This should go without saying.
Do not talk while the instructor is talking. It distracts those who are trying to learn and is disrespectful to the teacher as well as the other students.
You may stand, sit with your legs crossed, or kneel during class. No lounging. Studies show that people learn more effectively when seated in upright positions.
Do not leave the mat during class. Again, they distract those who are trying to learn.
Keep cell phones off during class without the instructor’s permission.
If the instructor has not changed the task, then continue doing the task until asked to stop. Don’t sit around talking because you feel you have done a technique enough times. You can NEVER do a technique too many times.
Please notify an instructor if you will be missing class.
All missed classes should be made up within a reasonable time frame.
Train Hard ㅡ Eat Healthy ㅡ Enjoy the Results