September 2024


Dojo Student Newsletter


“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.” ~ Oprah Winfrey



All Classes: September 25th, 26th, 27th



Theme of the Month


This month, we are focusing on various types of kicks. The goal this month is to improve everyone’s kicks on all levels; speed, accuracy, power, and all around technique. We will have many new and unique striking drills and games to keep it fun and interesting.


The Pot of Dirt

Author Unknown

Our teacher read us a story today. It was a story about Mr. Abe, a wealthy store owner who was ready to retire. He met with his workers and told them he was going to give away his thriving business to one of them. Mr. Abe explained that he would hold a special contest for the next year. The plan was really quite simple. He had each employee come to him, one at a time, to pick up a single seed. Then he said, “Plant it, water it, and bring it back for judging in one year.”  Each worker went home with the treasured seed in hand and took special care to find the best soil and fertilizers. They planted their seeds with anticipation and dreamed of what they would do when they became successful business owners. 

One worker named Sam did everything just right. He planted, watered the seed, and made sure it had enough sunlight. Days passed and nothing grew; weeks passed, and he started to worry.  The other employees began to brag about how their plants were sprouting and growing tall and green. Sam hung his head, for all he had was a pot of dirt. He went home and reported sadly to his loving wife what everybody else was saying about their growing seeds. Day after day they bragged that their plants were growing. Sam went home each day to find only a pot of dirt on the windowsill.

A year passed, and it was time for judging. Mr. Abe asked each worker to bring in the plant they had grown. Each employee dragged in huge plants, while Sam was still embarrassed with his pot of dirt. There were snickers and comments, but what happened next was a surprise to everyone. Mr. Abe walked past each employee complimenting them on their large healthy plants. 

As he approached Sam and his empty pot, he shouted, “Congratulations Sam! “  With a slap on his back he put a ring of keys into Sam's hand.  “You are the new owner of this business - it’s a special gift from me!” The other workers demanded an explanation. Mr. Abe said, “A year ago I gave each of you a special seed -  a boiled seed. A boiled sed is dead and can’t possibly grow.  Now I know that Sam alone was honest and had the character to bring in an empty pot -  so he earned my trust!”

Our teacher closed the book. The class discussed how being a person of integrity, while not always easy, is always best and always shows strength.


October 2024


August 2024